Rating W, tonnes 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250
Proof Load R tonnes 70 85 100 120 145 170 215 266 333
a1 (28/P) 125 + 4 140 A 160+ 5 180- 5 200+ 6 224+ 7 250+ 8 280+ 9 315 + 10
a2 (0.8 sa1) 100+ 3 112+ 3 125+ 4 140+ 4 160+ 5 180+ 5 200+ 6 224+ 7 250+8
b1 (0.85 a1) 106+11 0 118+12 0 132+14 0 150+16 0 170+18 0 190+20 0 212+22 0 236+ 25 0 265+ 28 0
b2(0.335 a,) 43 + 5 0 48 + 5 0 53+6 0 60 + 6 0 67+7 0 75 + 8 0 85 + 9 0 95  + 10 0 106+11 0
d1 (0.85 a,) 106+5 118 + 6 132 + 7 150 + 8 170 + 9 190+10 212 ±11 236 ±12 265 ± 13
d2 (0.71 a,) 90 100 110 125 140 160 180 200 225
d3* M90x6 M100x6 M110x6 M125X6 M140x6 M160X6 M180x6 M200 x 6 M225 x 6
f (4.25 a1) 530 600 670 750 850 950 1 060 1 180 1 320
/1(1.06a1) 132 + 13 0 150 + 15 0 170 + 17 0 190 + 19 0 212 +21 0 236 +24 0 265+27 0 300+30 0 335 +34 0
/1 188 207 234 260 282 325 357 405 455
/2 510 572 645 705 790 896 1 005 1 130 1 260
m, Min 80 90 100 112 125 140 160 180 200
r1 (0.125 a1) 16 18 20 22 25 28 32 36 40
r2 (0.1 a1) 13 14 16 18 20 22 25 28 32
r3 (1.18 a1) 150 170 190 212 236 265 300 335 375
* Equivalent knuckle or round threads are permissible
* A different length may be specified subject to agreement between the supplier and the purchaser.
Position for Load Test
Each completed ramshorn hook shall, after heat treatment, be subjected to a vertical proof load specified in Table 1. If the vertical proof load test is applied in accordance with Fig. 1 A, an additional test of half the proof load specified for the vertical loading shall be applied horizontally as indicated Fig, 1B. Prior to the application of proof loading, each hook shall bear a centre punch mark at position a from which scribed lines shall be trammelled to position b. After removal of the load, the hook shall be re-scribed with the trammel unaltered, and the difference between the scribed lines shall be the amount of permanent set. The permanent set shall in no case exceed 0.25 percent of the distance a b. The ramshorn hook shall then be thoroughly examined by a competent person and shall be accepted as complying with this standard only if found free from flaw or defect.